Monday, October 20, 2008

first blogspot post EVAR to be written by a crazy coat-rack lady in college

I officially do not like my roommate- she can't keep a bathroom clean to save her LIFE, the only reason our sink doesn't drain properly is HER and her hair and makeup and nailpolish and URG

If I had the chance to actually be friends with her it would probably be easier to discuss cleaning issues, I may be dissorganized, but I function, and I can keep a bathroom clean (NONE of my suite mates know how to clean a bathroom, I'm it's soul keeper) GAH
AND she keeps me up at night, I know I have kept her up several times, or got her up on false alarms, but....oh well, that's the end of the roommate rant

I could rant about english,

but I'm kinda behind in it so I'm off to finish my essay(evil teacher who doen't know how to teach, it's like Mrs. Hutchings allover again, 'cept she's nicer)

Opening night of Into the Woods is November 7th, get your tickets now it's gonna be AMAZING, sorry you couldn't see crucible, it was the best production of Crucible I've ever seen. the next show is AIDA and that's gonna be in the spring I believe

singing for the actor is cool, I'm learning loads on how to "use" my voice, or rather DONT use my voice *that's the key, too much control hurts you*

they were right when they said that the theater group is tight knit, Its like a big family :)

well, I have to go now, but I will write LOADS more later