Saturday, March 21, 2009

always will be...

My mother tells me I've always been artistic. She tells me I knew all my colors before my numbers and ABC's. I believe it. 

I don't remember much of my past, my childhood that is. I remember glimpses, mostly in the six to eleven age. I do know however that D*sney movies made me the artist I am today (and other classic animated films of the 90's or earlier). I was born in 1990, to late to ever see the coming out of Beauty and the Beast (which I didn't see till I was about 5), the same for the little mermaid (though I know that was around three or four). The little mermaid was an insperation, I remember singing like ariel (the Ah's because I didn;t know the words to any other part) on the swings going higher and higher in pitch as I'd go higher and higher on the swingset.

I do however remember a lot of my sixth birthday, and the summer it was in. That summer I got to go to my Grandparents house in California. I remember we went to see "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". I saw Esmerelda and the way she danced, and I was awestruck. She was so beautiful, brave and graceful. I loved her, I idoled her.

I had been in dance classes since I was very small. but at the sight of this movie I knew that one day I wanted to be a dancer.

I also remember I liked to draw, but during third grade, a professional artist came to our class to teach us the basics. i remember she told me I had great potential and an eye for art and how things look, and how to get it on paper. Since then I felt I HAD to get better, and look at me now! I draw so frequently, and I'm constantly progressing, though the last art class I took was freshman year in high school, (except graphics, but the two held different kinds of art sooo....)

As the years progressed I remember different flames of inspiration grew and died, while others still glow strong. I joined choir in fifth grade, I've remained a prominent singer ever since.

Dancing however, I never practiced. At the age I was at I was embarressed by my body, I always had to have a special costume custom made do to my height and build. I didn't like to practice where people could see, so I didn't do it much. I still loved it... but I guess I thought the actual routines were bland and without finesse... no excitement there at all.
During the summer before middle school, my parents decided to stop paying for dance classes, due to my lack of practice. However, in middle school I took ballroom and hip hop. I didn't go forward much in either. I was at that age where children are cruelest. I was mocked out of both, I hated dancers, for the majority of the groups were foul people.

I still loved it though.

High school... ah High school, my fondest of memories.
Freshman year- I joined the beginners chor (Alto/soprano= Mixed chorus)
I developed a hatred torwards art teachers (Thank you mr. reese >( )
I auditioned for the school musical, didn't make it but I went to ever performance of it ( I loved musicals, dad allways brought them home for me)... 
Took my first drama class
and Interior design 2!

Sophmore year-
auditioned for the better choirs and I made it into the womens choir- Advanced Women's Ensemble
(which means I got to go on choir tour! :)
Auditioned for the musical - made it in (Beauty and the Beast)
-----ps. I love belle, she shared my dreams and personality the best of all the disney "princesses" other than ariel.
Took a musical theatre class
Fashion design

Junior year-
auditioned for higher up choir- made it into the main choir Concert Choral
Musical- Pirates of Penzance(yay I made call backs this time!)
Took another drama class
Straight Play- (LEAD ROLE) Comedy of Errors :)
Took ballroom ( Yay! I loved this class so much I was so much more mature here and since i'd ____retained all the stuff I'd learned earlier I did very well) during a competition for extra credit, I took first place in samba( i still have that medal)
Took Journalism(school newspaper)
clothing 1

Senior year
once again auditioned for a higher choir and viola!-- I was an extra addition and proud of it
---- I made it into the chamber choir #30 in a 28 person choir :) and also had to be in concert choral (could've been in advanced womens if i wanted too)
---side note- all our choirs every last one all 6 of them (include all solos and ensembles) got top marks at state!!!!!!!!
Took graphic arts and silkscreening (AWESOME)
clothing 3 ( I quit it it killed me)
Childrens literature ( lots of arts projects including a wordless picture book which I am very proud of)
drama 3/4
musical- fiddler on the roof (built set, costume mistress and chorus)
Technical theatre (also costumed crucible and shakespeare)

now I be in college studying in the musical theatrical arts

random memories/facts-

I never liked cinderella, she was a weakling princess (same with snow white) I loved the mice and the dwarves though. I loved watching the animation

I remember when I watched Mary Poppins I would replay Step in Time over and over again, (cant get enough of that dancing!)

I love Lady and the Tramp, along with The Aristocats

I remember watching Tarzan in a drive-in theater. I've loved Jane ever since, it's like we're the same person!

I was obsessed with Sailor Moon (what REALLY got me started in drawing)

I always made costumes for myself out of sheets/fabric scraps and safety pins.